The August 2024 Plan for Ukraine: Open Fun Football Schools Supporting Children Affected by War

The August 2024 Plan for Ukraine: Open Fun Football Schools Supporting Children Affected by War

In August, the Open Fun Football Schools project continued its mission to support children in 18 regions of Ukraine through football-based psychosocial activities. This initiative, led by the Ukrainian Association of Football (UAF) and regional football associations, and supported by the New Democracy Foundation (NDF) and the Cross Cultures Project Association (CCPA) , is designed to help children affected by war through the healing power of football.

Football for Healing and Support

The project has established youth hubs in 18 regions of Ukraine, where trained volunteers and youth leaders organize fun football. These hubs not only offer fun football activities but also provide psychological support and mine safety training, which are crucial for children living in conflict zones. Football has become a way to foster emotional resilience, build a sense of community, and offer children a break from the challenges they face.

Events in August

Below is a clear and detailed list of the key events and locations where activities took place in August:

Vinnytsia Region

  • Vinnytski Khutory (Youth Center, Nezalezhnosti St, 33-B)
    • August 10: Fun football games with a safety component
    • August 11: Fun Football Festival
    • August 24: Football tournament for Ukraine’s Independence Day

Lutsk (Sport for All Center)

  • Various neighborhoods in the city
    • Football events combined with mine safety, road safety lessons, and psychological support.
    • Football sessions at LFC Adrenalin (Chornovola St, 3-A)
    • Children’s football tournament

Dnipropetrovsk Region

  • Synelnykove (Local Sports School)
    • August 17: Sweet Cup football tournament for children (Independence Day)
    • August 25: Olympic Football Relay
    • August 31: Sweet Cup for the beginning of the school year

Zakarpattia Region

  • Velykyi Bereznyi (Sanatorium Boarding School)
    • August 7, 18, 28: Football lessons for military children and orphans from Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia regions
  • Svaliava (Avangard Stadium)
    • August 10: Football lessons for orphans and children from low-income families in Kharkiv region
  • Volovets (Arnika Sanatorium)
    • August 22: Football lessons for military children and orphans from Sumy region

Ivano-Frankivsk Region

  • Nadvirna District
    • Water polo football
  • Polianytsia: Excursion for children to the Football Museum
  • Mykulychyn: Football event “Football Forever”
  • Ivano-Frankivsk (Lyceum No. 18)
    • Sweet Cup for children

Kyiv Region

  • Hlevakha (Local Resource Space, Vokzalna St, 9)
    • August 3: Football quest “Journey Through the Country of Health”
    • August 10: Football and psychology event “Fun Relays”
    • August 17: Children’s Relaxation Day


  • Lyceum “Victoria-P” (Telnova St, 20)
    • August 2: Football water games
    • August 16: Football fitness for children
    • August 28: Sweet Cup football tournament

Lviv Region

  • Briukhovychi: August 15
  • Malehiv: August 21
  • Lviv Lyceum No. 57: August 27
    • Sweet Cup football tournaments and fun football relays

Odesa Region

  • Podilsk (SC Podilsk, Soborna St, 66-A)
    • August 9: Football event with mine safety training
    • August 12: Football event for Youth Day
    • August 24: Football event for Independence Day


  • Sumy State Pedagogical University (Romenska St, 87)
    • Football events: “Youth – Our Future,” Sand Football, and a football quest for Independence Day


  • Poltava National Technical University (Pershotravnevyi Ave, 24)
    • Football activities: “Football for All,” football quests like “Score a Goal,” and fun football games for joy


  • School No. 35 (Nezalezhnosti St, 42-A)
    • August 1 and 28: Mini football festivals
    • August 7, 10, 21: Open football training
    • August 14: Sweet Cup football tournament
    • August 17: Demonstration football training