CCPA Lebanon and Jordan Red Crescent team up for seminar and football festival in Aqaba

On the 6th April, volunteers from the Jordan Red Crescent took part in a seminar in Aqaba, delivered by staff from Cross Cultures Project Association (CCPA) Lebanon. The seminar focused on how to organise a football event, and the following day the volunteers (‘Street Masters’) demonstrated the skills and knowledge they had acquired by holding a football festival for children.
The seminar, delivered by two coordinators from CCPA Lebanon, covered practical aspects such as organising fun sports activities, as well as issues such as how to increase girls’ participation. The seminar was attended by 22 male and female volunteers from across Jordan.
The effectiveness of the seminar was demonstrated the following day when the volunteers organised a successful festival. Around 250 boys and girls took part in a range of fun group sports activities, organised by 24 Street Master coaches with the assistance of Lebanese coordinators and staff. In addition, a good number of parents as well as a member of the local municipality were also in attendance.
CCPA Lebanon has worked with Jordan Red Crescent volunteers to develop sports activities for children since June 2011.
John Skelton, Intern with CCPA Lebanon, Beirut