Online Organizational development – Bringing people together

As bringing people together in a physical context is not possible at the moment due to COVID-19, the unique Cross Cultures network is almost more than ever, together.

When all Cross Cultures activities in the partner-countries were closed, the Copenhagen office decided to get in touch with all the staff through online interview sessions aiming at helping the partners in this extraordinary situation.

A questionnaire was made and a plan for the meetings was arranged. The questionnaire has focused on the following topics:


  • Why do we exist?
  • What would people in the countries miss if Cross Cultures activities stop?
  • How the current situation affects the offices?
  • And looking ahead by discussing the core competencies of the offices and how they can improve in the countries


The interviews ended with a list of suggestions related to how the Cross Cultures network can inspire and help each other in the current situation and the upcoming activities.

The overall response from the online meetings have been extremely positive which have lasted approximately 1 ½ hour and the whole organisation has learned a lot from using online meetings to be in dialogue and share ideas.

At the moment the Copenhagen office is working on following up on the many ideas. One of the first things to be done will be online seminars with specific topics e.g. using storytelling to bring and keep the network together and warm as well as planning for the future.

Cross Cultures are stronger than ever, and we are using the situation to plan ahead – together online.

Photo from one of CCPA Balkan’s regular online meetings.