‘Den Kriminalpræventive dag’ at Brøndby Stadion

Cross Cultures took part in ‘Den Kriminalpræventive dag’ at Brøndby Stadion the 27th of March. During the day there was a focus on the local crime prevention cooperation and workshops.
CCPA had an exhibition stand where we showed our contributing to crime prevention in the Balkans, which is the conflict and crime prevention initiative (CCP) that is inspired by the Danish SSP-Network initiative.
The CCP-program is a new initiative proposed by Cross Cultures in cooperation with our local partners in the Western Balkans. It has been developed because we believe the building of a CCP-Network will bring meaningful, efficient and relevant approaches to the conflict and crime prevention in Balkan communities and also contribute to democracy and good governance.
Cross Cultures and our local partners have not yet been directly involved in crime prevention activities, but it is initiated by us because the Open Fun Football School program provides a unique network in local communities that contains all the ‘ingredients’ needed as basis for organizing an efficient CCP-approach.