Open Fun Football Schools

Open Fun Football


Open Fun Football Schools is Cross Culture’s core activity from where our slogan Playing for Peace origins. It is a big fun-football-camp for children of five days duration that is organised by young voluntary leaders and coaches, and it is designed to bring people and communities to interact together across conflicts and social divides.

The strength of the Open Fun Football School programme lies in its ability to access conflict-affected communities and mobilize children, youth, and local communities as well as its ability to generate social networks and positive relations between people and institutions.

At Cross Cultures, we believe that it is the social environment that connects children and youth to our movement. At Open Fun Football Schools, we always put the children at the center, and we use our coach education to discuss how our fun football schools can contribute to creating a fun, safe and inclusive social environment in their local context for children across conflicts and social divides. Consequently, each Open Fun Football School is tailored by voluntary coaches and addresses their particular local context.

However, the Open Fun Football School always comply to our fundamental principles, and the exercises played must reflect Cross Cultures specific fun-football-methodology (head-heart-skills)

Activated kids
+ 0
+ 0
Coaches educated
+ 0

Bringing People Together

The Open Fun Football Schools are always organised in compliance with Cross Cultures so-called “twin-city-approach”, ensuring that children and youth play fun football in mixed groups WITH peers from adversarial population groups and social divides.

Promote gender equality

At the Open Fun Football Schools we always promote girl’s football, and our goal is a 50:50 gender balance on all levels: players, coaches, leaders, and officials

Sport - for - all

The Open Fun Football Schools is an all-inclusive activity, meaning that everyone can participate regardless of talent, gender, ethnic or social background, or religious or political affiliations. Further, minimum 30% of all participants must be children and youth from socially disadvantaged groups, e.g. children with special needs, orphans, refugees/IDP’s, social cases etc.

Educated Coaches

The Open Fun Football Schools are organsied by voluntary leaders and coaches, who as a minimum has completed the Cross Cultures Youth Leadership Education basic level (60-hours) and thereby gained knowledge, understanding and skills of how to use Cross Cultures fun sport approach and the best interests of the child as mean to generate positive relations, trust, and cooperation between people across cultural and societal divides.

Community Approach

In Cross Cultures we advocate that democratic social networks are the products of our interventions, and the Open Fun Football Schools are the structure that creates a recognisable and playful framework for mobilising such networks.  

Hence, when we organize Open Fun Football Schools we always try to mobilise and actively engange as many local partners/-stakeholders across cultures and sectors in the operation as possible, e.g. parents, schools, community police, other

Bringing People Together
The Open Fun Football Schools are always organised in compliance with Cross Cultures so-called “twin-city-approach”, ensuring that children and youth play fun football in mixed groups WITH peers from adversarial population groups and social divides.
Promote gender equality
At the Open Fun Football Schools we always promote girl’s football, and our goal is a 50:50 gender balance on all levels: players, coaches, leaders, and officials
Sport - for - all
The Open Fun Football Schools is an all-inclusive activity, meaning that everyone can participate regardless of talent, gender, ethnic or social background, or religious or political affiliations. Further, minimum 30% of all participants must be children and youth from socially disadvantaged groups, e.g. children with special needs, orphans, refugees/IDP’s, social cases etc.
Educated coaches
The Open Fun Football Schools are organsied by voluntary leaders and coaches, who as a minimum has completed the Cross Cultures Youth Leadership Education basic level (60-hours) and thereby gained knowledge, understanding and skills of how to use Cross Cultures fun sport approach and the best interests of the child as mean to generate positive relations, trust, and cooperation between people across cultural and societal divides.
Community Approach
In Cross Cultures we advocate that democratic social networks are the products of our interventions, and the Open Fun Football Schools are the structure that creates a recognisable and playful framework for mobilising such networks. Hence, when we organize Open Fun Football Schools we always try to mobilise and actively engange as many local partners/-stakeholders across cultures and sectors in the operation as possible, e.g. parents, schools, community police, other.

Fun Sport Festivals / Caravans

Fun Sport Festivals / Caravans, is a one-day festival organised in accordance with the same fundamental principles as the Open Fun Football Schools. The Fun Sport festivals / Caravans are often organised on specefic occasions to celebrate specefik days of attention such as for example: UEFAs week of grassroots football; the European week of Sports, International Women Day, World Diabetes Day, The World Heart Day, The UN Peace Day or specefic sponsor events financed by UEFA CL-partners or others.


  • 200 girls and boys aged 6-12 years
  • 2 offs-leaders (volunteers)
  • 12 offs-coaches (volunteers)
  • 12 offs-coach assistants (volunteers)
  • 3 club officials/parents (volunteers)

After-school and day-to-day fun sport activities

After-school and day-to-day Fun Football Activities is to be compared with regular fun football training that are organised by one or more leaders and coaches. The after-school sport is playing special attention to localizes life-skill training and children with vulnerable backgrounds.