CCPA at hope 24 Conference Monastir, Tunisia 21-22 March

CCPA and TSFA was hosting a conference in Monastir, Tunisia 21-22 February. The Conference was regarding the Hope 24 festival which is planned to be performed the 14-15 March.The Hope 24 festival is a sports/culture festival which will be going on for 24 hours non-stop, the 24 regions of Tunisia will participate and will each get their own stand where they can present the very best cultural and sports characterizing their region.
Amongst the participants for the conference was:
-The new Sports and youth minister Mr. Maher Ben Dhia,
-President for TSFA Jalel Ben Tekaya, -24 regional leaders,
-CCPA MENA Coordinator Rang Shawkat Barawy,-20 CCPA coaches,
-Press (newspaper and TV)-Local sports organisations Click here to watch the video……