Cross Cultures and DIF (DNOC) conduct second stage in the Senoir Sports Leader Academy in Bhutan

Preben Staun, Vice President of DIF – the Danish National Olympic Committee & Sports Cenfederation of Denmark, Annemarie H. Kristensen, Danish Table Tennis Federation and Henning Kurland, Cross Cultures organize a 2nd stage of the Senior Sports Leader Academy for 18 key personnel (Precidents and General Secretaries of the National Sport Federation, NSF) in Thimpuh, Bhutan 25.08. – 03.09.

The seminar is followed by a coach seminar and a multi-sport-festival building on the principles of the Open Fun Football School program. 

The objective is to provide the participants with a theoretical and practical knowledge of how to conduct a development programme within their own organisation. The program is funded by DANIDA.

Preben Staun, DIF: It has been a great experience for me to visit Bhutan, a small country neaby Himalaya, and realise how motivated all the participants in the Instructor’s Seminar are. One of the goals is to form and implement Multi Sport Clubs in the intire country inspired by the Danish Sport Club model with democratically elected boards, educated leaders and coaches, etc. – which is non-existing in Bhutan.

I look forward to follow the process and I am convinst that we, in cooperation with The Bhutan Olympic Commetee (B-NOC) have provided an exellent kick-start.