Iraq: Child Protection and Youth Empowerment Program 2024

Empowering Iraqi Youth Through Fun Football

As part of the Child Protection and Youth Empowerment Program 2024, we are excited to share the successful implementation of various initiatives aimed at fostering unity, peace, and development for Iraqi youth. These initiatives—centered around the power of sports—continue to impact children and communities deeply affected by conflict and displacement.

How Fun Football is Breaking Barriers for Women

Expanding Fun Football Schools Across Iraq

In an effort to expand the reach of our program, we opened six Open Fun Football Schools across six provinces in Iraq, starting with the city of Erbil. The Ankawa area, predominantly inhabited by the Christian community, became home to our first of six Open Fun Football Schools. In collaboration with the Ankawa Sports Club, this initiative was unique in its inclusivity, bringing together children from diverse sects and religions, including Christians, Muslims, and displaced individuals from Syria and western Iraq.

The opening ceremony in Erbil was a joyous occasion, with over 200 children, boys and girls aged 7 to 16, participating. The event was attended by their families, local sports figures, and representatives from the local government. The atmosphere was vibrant as we witnessed how sports could shape not only future athletes but well-rounded individuals. The trainers, empowered by the skills and knowledge gained during our Youth Leadership Education, played a crucial role in organizing activities that promoted community, teamwork, and growth.

Bringing Hope to Duhok and Mosul

After the successful opening in Erbil, our team traveled north to Duhok, a city known for its beautiful landscapes and cooler climate. The Open Fun Football School in Duhok, located in the city center, received an overwhelming response, with 200 children attending the launch event. The Deputy Governor and other local leaders were present, showing their support for the program. The enthusiasm from the children and their families reflected the importance of creating spaces where they could engage in sports and intellectual activities, fostering a sense of normalcy and joy.

From Duhok, we moved to Mosul, where we opened an Open Fun Football School in the war-torn city of Sinjar. The scars of conflict were visible everywhere, with damaged infrastructure and painful memories of past atrocities. Yet, despite the hardships, the children of Sinjar were eager to participate in the program. Over 350 children, including a significant number of girls, flocked to the field. 

One heartbreaking reality we faced in Sinjar was the fear and trauma still evident in many children, particularly when engaged in physical activities. However, through the power of sports, we worked to create positive memories that could help heal the wounds of their past.

Reaching Karbala, Abi Ghraib, and Diwaniyah

Our journey continued to Karbala, where we opened another Open Fun Football School in the Abi Ghraib area, a region facing significant challenges due to poor infrastructure and limited resources. More than 200 children, both boys and girls, joined the activities, participating enthusiastically in sports and recreational events organized by our trained coaches. The collaboration with the Youth and Sports Directorate in Abi Ghraib was instrumental in making this event a success, offering the children an opportunity to engage in structured, purposeful activities.

In Diwaniyah, specifically in the Taliea area, we encountered a unique cultural challenge: it is a tribal region where women often face barriers to participating in sports. However, to our pleasant surprise, many girls joined the activities with enthusiasm. The opening event, attended by over 200 children, was supported by the local government, religious leaders, and sports figures, who all commended the program’s efforts to create opportunities for girls and boys alike.

A Commitment to Healing and Empowerment

These football schools are more than just spaces for physical activity—they are safe havens for children to express themselves, build confidence, and unite across religious and cultural divides. Our focus on empowering youth in areas deeply affected by war and terrorism, such as Sinjar, Karbala, and Erbil, underscores our commitment to using sports as a tool for peace and community building.

The Child Protection and Youth Empowerment Program 2024 continues to work hand in hand with local partners, governments, and international donors to provide opportunities for children across Iraq to rebuild their confidence and thrive in safe, supportive environments. We are grateful to all our partners and sponsors for making this possible and look forward to expanding our reach even further in the months and years to come.