The 8 steps of the joint Strategic Development Planning by Rustavi OFFS + SSP Leaders Group and OFFS

Rustavi municipality met two days to come up with their joint vision for the OFFS+SSP project. Across the sectors (sport, school, social and police) the stakeholders participated in creative workshops and together they defined the following vision:

To bring up a healthy generation in safe environments by creating security and good life quality for citizens in Rustavi based on the principles of Sport-for-All, diverting the children from the bad habits of the street.

On the first day, before the workshop started, the Leaders group had a formal meeting. 12 participants from the local sports, school, social and police sector plus 2 OFFS/CCPA staff were attending. The Leaders Group was briefed on the National Board Meeting, which took place on February 6 2014.
The first sessions of the workshop contained the welcoming and introductory presentation of Cross Cultures on Open Fun Football Schools + Sport+School+Police initiative, funded by EU. The EU Call objectives and the projects main goals were emphasized. The SSP Handbook was introduced.
Further representatives from the local police gave presentations on their activities and their partnership in this program. Rustavi Deputy Chairman of the Council and Rustavi Deputy Mayor , Public School Dirctor gave short speeches for the plenary discussion. All group members came to a conclusion that health is one of the most important values and an individual is supposed to further improve and develop through physical activity and games. Good organization of spare time through physical activity facilitates the all-round development of a person. Any kind of training through games brings the most favorable result. Proceeding from the aforesaid the OFFS+SSP Leaders’ group defined the following 4 values as a priority:
-Individual development
-Physical activity

The strategic goals of the Rustavi OFFS+SSP team are:
– Healthy way of life
– Involvements of girls into sports
– Sport as an instrument for success

One of the workshops was to build the local OFFS+SSP story in Lego. On the right you will find pictures of the Lego figures build, and below you have short descriptions of the figures.
Lego workshops:
The story: This is a parade where all participants walk hand in hand united by one slogan: "Bringing up the future generation is the course of every adult". We will approach each child as friends, supervisors and let our kids feel that safe and secure environment which is created by us.
We are playing together independently of our skills and habits and possibilities and having fun. Each player knows its role and place, especially the adults. Some provides security, some provide medical services or sandwiches, some is shouting for his team etc. There is sound of music. Children are happy!
The pitch is constructed on the OFFS Manual and it is a symbol of knowledge, opportunities and donors’ support and children are in the center. It Is funny and we are in a happy atmosphere. We know how to organize the games for all categories of children. Sport for all, sport as an instrument of tolerance and peace and a means of creation of harmonious society.