The seminar was part of the program “Playing for a common future” which is funded by the German Government through streetfootballworld. The aim is to unite children from Jordan with refugee children from Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Palestine through football.
The seminar ended by an Open Fun Football School festival for 200 boys and girls from Jordan and Syria played fun games together under the lead of the youth leaders.
The main topics of the seminar were strategies and practises towards the development of grassroots sports at a managerial level, with a particular focus on the organisation of children’s football.?Training methodology comprised a mixed series of lectures, interactive workshops, group discussions and practical sessions on the field.
A thematic overview of subjects covered by the seminar entails the following:
Open Fun Football Schools theory
• Children’s Grassroots Football Universe; idea – organisation – sustainability ?
• Values and principles behind the inclusive sport-for-all approach and the implementation of ?local children’s sport activities applying these exact values and principles in practice ?
• The specific CCPA child-centered fun football approach, and the integrated learning approach (head – heart – legs)
• Role of instructors coaches and coach assistants
• Child-protection in children’s sport
• Organisation of football festival for 200 children ?and day-to-day street sport activities