Sport for All Caravan in Morocco with focus on juveniles and women prisoners

By: Mohammed Benchrif   On Friday December 28, a sports day was held in Taghjijt (Guelmim province) in order to raise awareness of the importance of sport in various fringes of society…

Fortsæt med at læseSport for All Caravan in Morocco with focus on juveniles and women prisoners

Sports for all: a pillar of social cohesion

Last week Patrice Bergamini the EU Ambassador of Tunisia visited our Tunisian colleague Dr. Marwen Chaieb to see his project in Tunis. Dr. Chaieb has changed one of the city´s most criminal areas into a mekka full of sports and traditional games for the local people, especially for kids and for the youth. One of the goals is to get young people out of the streets and criminal behavior by offering them a community based on sport and friendships instead.

Fortsæt med at læseSports for all: a pillar of social cohesion

Child Protection Seminar in Jahorina, Bosnia

In July CCPA in Bosnia was hosting the season´s first Child Protection Seminar for over 90 leaders and coaches. The seminar was build on four workshops, each focusing on different aspects of child protection in CCPAs programs, and resulted in guidelines for each of the schools involved.

Fortsæt med at læseChild Protection Seminar in Jahorina, Bosnia

Capacity-building seminar for local cross sectorial-networks in Ukraine

The seminar was held within the framework of the project “Civil Society and Public Sector Cooperation for Reconciliation, Social Integration and Child Protection in Ukraine” in 11 – 13 June, 2018 in Dnipro city for 80 representatives from 9 pilot regions.

Fortsæt med at læseCapacity-building seminar for local cross sectorial-networks in Ukraine